Wood Creek HOA Board and Committees
Currently, the Wood Creek Board of Directors consists of 9 Association members who have volunteered their time for the greater good of the Association. Election of Directors is conducted every June at the Association Annual Meeting.
Two (2) or three (3) Directors are elected each year for a 3-year term. The Board of Directors may appoint a resident to fill a Board vacancy between election cycles. Below you will find a listing of the currently elected Board of Directors.
TERRY QUINN | Director, President | terencequinn52@gmail.com |Term Ends 2026
DIANE O’NEIL | Director, Vice President | dianem1815@gmail.com | Term Ends 2025
MIKE CRIMMINS | Director, Treasurer | mbcrimmins@stny.rr.com | Term Ends 2026
MARIA SCOTT | Director, Secretary | mkscott105@gmail.com | Term ends 2026
JAN DIXON | Director | secretaryjan@juno.com | Term ends 2027
PAULA SHERWOOD | Director | psherwood3@rochester.rr.com | Term Ends 2026
JO CONE | Director | jbclc@rit.edu | Term ends 2025
NANCY CRAWFORD | Director | nancy.crawford.1029@gmail.com | Term Ends 2027
TERI KENNY | Director | tkenny1302@aol.com | Term Ends 2027
The following committees are active within your Association.
- Landscape Committee
- Nominating Committee
- Social Events/ Welcoming Committee
- Architectural Standards/Variance Committee
- Operations/Maintenance Committee
Landscape Committee: Paula Sherwood, chair.
Nominating Committee: Diane O’Neil, chair.
Social Events/Welcoming Committee: Jo Cone, chair.
Architectural Standards/Variance Committee: Nancy Crawford, chair.
Operations/Maintenance Committee: Teri Kenny, chair.